Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Crazy Teaching Stories

Tuesday Feb 7: So today we found a new investigator! He and his wife just moved from Minnesota and are living with a family who are members! Its super cool because the investigator is a Lor just like me so that's really cool!

Wednesday Feb 8: It was my sister Elisabeth's birthday today! Anyway, today we had exchanges so I was in a biking area with the district leader's companion. We got rides from members everywhere though so no biking for me today! Crazy story though. Before we went on exchanges my companion and I went to a house that was on a list of people who signed up to be taught at Hmong New Years. No one was home but while we were knocking on the door a car screeched to a stop on the other side of the street and we heard a girl screaming! We were like “what the…” and so we started walking over to see if we could help and a guy bolts out of the car into the house then comes back out and so we asked him if he needed any help. The guy said "No it’s not that bad. She just fell. It just looks bad because of the blood. Her mom is a nurse so I brought her here and she isn't home so I am going to take her to the hospital now." Now my companion is like “what the heck” and we see in the back seat a girl screaming and covered in blood! So crazy. We didn't have time to share a message with him but that is ok because he was in a hurry.

Thursday Feb. 9: I was like the definition of a Mormon missionary today! We got on bikes and cruised around talking to people. Everyone thought we were Jehovah Witnesses which didn't make much sense to me because white shirt and tie and name tag on a bike is a clear indicator of a Mormon but that is ok. Also, I found out my district leader Elder King stole my camera and took some pictures hahaha. After exchanges ended my companion and I went to a lesson with an investigator and brought an old Hmong man with us. We had a lesson planned but we didn't have time hahaha. The old Hmong man just talked to them the whole time and, wow, do old Hmong people get riled up when talking. He would be like “the Mormon church is the true church” and then the investigators would like be yelling "yog mas" which basically means yes and they were like going crazy! We totally thought that this new friend they now had would encourage the investigator to come to church but they didn't. Oh, well, better luck next time.

Friday Feb. 10: Today we hit our goal of 4 new investigators for the week! So excited so I cut open a weird fruit that a member gave us. Pictures below. It was a giant fruit that looks kinda like a giant orange when you cut it open. It tastes kinda like an orange too but it has the consistency of corn and is really dry. Kinda weird.

Saturday Feb. 11: Today we knocked on a referrals door and their college age daughter answered. Her parents weren't home but she was really nice so she got us water. Then she was like “are you hungry” and we were like “uhhh” and she was like “you’re working hard let me get you something”. Then she was like “sorry, we ran out of pizza” and handed us a plate of steak! I was like what the heck is going on but it was pretty awesome!

Sunday Feb 12: I had to translate at church again today! English to Hmong actually didn't go to bad! But the Hmong to English.... That was a fail. Oh, well. Hahaha. Other than that, not much else happened today. We were teaching a lesson and halfway through her son walked in completely stoned out of his mind. Not too uncommon now that weed is legal but it’s still not super common. People who are high are wayyyy nicer than sober people hahaha.

Answers to Questions I was asked:
So, Fresno has been super fun. We do a lot of work in Ghettos and they are super fun to go tracting in except for when a group from a gang start yelling at you. But we just say "Were Mormons not Jehovah Witness" then they are like “oh, ok” and leave us alone. 

The weather here is crazy! It has been raining almost every day and everywhere is flooding! It’s so crazy because its California and everything is supposed to be dry! 

Also, my apartment is cool. It’s not super big but that is ok. We have enough space to study and it just means that we have less to clean every week. It is nice though because in our main room we have a big ol’ Hmong lay (floor mat type thing) and its super comfy to lay on so I do that sometimes when studying.

- Elder Yskes

The District: So I met keeb kwm this week. Apparently Elder Lor baptized him so that is cool. Also, look at this note I found on our phone hahaha

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